Friday, 23 March 2012


These carpets have an unique design and is made out of wool. It was used in the homes of the Malay Archipelago. It was weaved carefully by the women in each family. This was one of the first designs of carpet for them. However, most Malay homes have changed to the modern carpet, much comfortable and cheaper. You can still find Malay people who still weave this kind of carpets though.

The Moro blades:The features of a modern blade that differ are the shaping of the waves,and their thickness. While the traditional blade have undulating waves that are forged deep into the blade to penetrate straight to the centerline of the blade. Tourist kris, on the other hand, feature shallow angular waves, that appear to be cut out of the steel rather than forged into the blade. Also, in order to stand to the rigors of combat, traditional kris are quite thick at the gangya, often approaching half an inch in thickness. However, to maintain its balance, traditional kris distally tapers becoming thinner near the tip. Tourist kris, generally are made of much thinner material, and are of uniform thickness lacking distal taper. This leads to the flimsy and unwieldy nature of many tourist kris.

The garuda crown :It was a crown which represented royal authority and has not changed
over time.

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